Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
The Insurance Bureau held a preparatory meeting at its headquarters today, Monday, 2/3/2025, headed by Ms. Israa Saleh Daoud, President …
Under the patronage of the Honorable Minister of Finance, Ms. Taif Sami, and under the supervision of Ms. Israa Saleh …
The Insurance Bureau announces the implementation of the pilot project for climate risk insurance, which is the first of its …
The office was established in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2005 regulating insurance business in Iraq
The Bureau aims to regulate and supervise the insurance sector in Iraq
Strengthening the role of the insurance industry in insuring people and property against risks
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Serve you to reach best profits and goals.
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Insurance figures in Iraq
Ata Abdel Wahab
A graduate of the Faculty of Law, after graduating he worked in public service positions (the judiciary, diplomacy, the royal court), a few years as a lawyer, and approximately 8 years in the insurance sector.
He worked at Baghdad Insurance Company (a private company established in 1958) until 1964 and for two years at the National Insurance Company.
He was assistant general manager of Baghdad Insurance Company at the time, John Naudi, who was well-versed in business methods in the London market.
He then became General Manager of the company in 1961 after John Naudi left it. His fellowship with Mr. Naudi and the extensive readings of Atta Abdel Wahab contributed to drawing up the foundations, goals and procedures for developing the work of the National Insurance Company when he became its General Manager in 1964, in which he summarized:
- Spreading the spirit of authentic service to insurance customers despite the absence of a competitor at the time.
- Ensuring a fair balance in the interests of individuals, insurance contract holders, and the interest of the company
- Working in a team spirit among managers through daily meetings held in the morning to discuss various matters.
- Implementing a policy of distributing powers among employees while keeping control of work in the hands of the first direct official.
- Introducing mechanization for the first time in the marine insurance department to speed up the issuance of insurance policies.
- Reconsidering the administrative division of the company.
- Expanding production by opening new branches, offices, and border crossings (Rutba, Safwan)
- Sending study missions and training workers in specialized European institutes to develop their skills.
- Improving return agreements.
And much, much more that this paper does not cover.
Professor Atta is credited with purchasing the land on which the current National Insurance Company is built.
Abdul Baqi Reda
He was born in Karbala and obtained a bachelor’s degree in commercial and economic sciences at the College of Economics and Commerce.
He obtained a scholarship from the Ministry of Education to study for a master’s degree (1957-1959) to the United States.
- He worked as a director at Baghdad Insurance Company, succeeding Sayed Atta Abdul Wahab.
- He took over the management of the National Insurance Company on February 1, 1966 until 1978.
He was appointed to the College of Administration and Economics after his return from the United States (1959) to teach accounting, and he did not stop teaching as he studied accounting and financial management in the insurance company.
- He was a member of the Board of Directors of the National Insurance Company for many years until his resignation in March 2020.
- He is considered one of the insurance men and its pioneers, and his period of management of the National Insurance Company, which extended from 1966 - 1978, witnessed a golden era with distinction at all levels.
Badie Al-Seifi
He graduated from the Faculty of Law in 1984 and practiced law and customs work until he became a manager.
With his strong desire, he chose to work in insurance and became director of legal affairs at Baghdad Insurance Company on 6/10/1960.
He was sent to England and underwent training courses in London, Zurich and Munich.
- He took over the management of the National Insurance Company in 1978 after Mr. Abdul Baqi Reda.
He was known for his passion for research, writing, and creativity, and he was diligent in training insurance workers inside and outside Iraq.
He was known for enhancing his reputation for Iraqi generosity by arranging invitations, especially for foreign lecturers, where lengthy dialogues centered on various insurance topics were held to enhance his experience in this field.
- He retired on February 1, 1982, at the age of 56 years.
Although his management of the National Insurance Company lasted for a short period, he left a good impression on the hearts of the majority of employees and established distinguished collegial relationships with the advanced cadres in the company.
- Among his books are insurance, knowledge and practice, and Al-Wasee’ by conducting it.
Slim pink
He completed his studies in political economy in 1965 with distinction.
He was granted a study leave to the Republic of Bulgaria and obtained a doctorate with honors in 1974.
He worked at the National Insurance Company as Director of the Planning and Marketing Department and Assistant to the General Manager in Planning and Marketing Affairs.
- Lecturer in postgraduate studies at the University of Baghdad in insurance economics and risk management.
- He lectured in many courses held by the canceled Insurance Corporation and the National Insurance Company.
- He was retired in 1994 and joined a teaching job at the Heritage College.
Dr. Salim Al-Wardi imposed a distinguished presence due to his academic standing, prudence, and opinion based on deep knowledge. He was the most prominent among those working in the insurance sector as he was one of the few who held a doctorate in insurance at that time. His intellectual presence imposed value in his writing and work.
Suhair Hussein Jameel
Mrs. Suhair Hussein Jameel worked for a long time at the National Insurance Company and was one of the prominent women in the company. She was an example of a woman who was empowered in her work, confident in herself, and commanded respect from everyone.
She was director of the legal department and then director of the technical department, which was one of the most important departments of the company, as it had a role in drawing up underwriting policies and setting prices.
- She holds a master’s degree from the College of Law and Politics / University of Baghdad for her thesis titled:
(Commitment to declare the Iraqi and English insurance risk)
Moayad Al-Saffar
- Graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Economics Branch, 1962-1963
- He was appointed to the National Insurance Company in the Directorate of Research and Studies and moved to work in the General Insurance Corporation (defunct) on September 1, 1996.
He worked in the fire branch and the automobile branch until September 26, 1965.
- He became director of the Engineering Insurance Branch for a long period of nearly a quarter of a century, starting 8/14/1966.
He was one of the Iraqi insurance makers and contributed greatly to consolidating the relationship of the Iraqi insurance market with major international insurance and reinsurance companies such as Munich Re and brokers of reinsurance companies.
- He is fluent in the English language, which helped him to be a professional negotiator in negotiations to return insurance agreements.
- He has a good sense of humor and is a good-natured person, despite his first-class leadership personality.
Hoda Al-Safwani
- She studied English literature at Cairo University, where she lived with her family for many years.
She started working in the insurance company on 6/20/1963 after her return from Cairo.
- I graduated from work at the National Insurance Company until I became director of the marine and aviation branches, which at the time was considered the most important departments in the insurance company. This was in the early eighties of the last century.
She was distinguished by her intelligence, high competence, and perfect proficiency in the Arabic and English languages, in addition to the German language.
She was among five women selected as part of the Iraqi delegation charged with negotiating in Baghdad with the major international oil companies concerned with extending the strategic Iraqi oil pipeline. They were from the insurance sector (Niran Noman, Suhair Hussein Jameel, Anan Sami Fathi, and Mai Muzaffar).
- Hoda Salman Al-Safwani, daughter of a prominent national journalist, founder of the daily Al-Yaqa newspaper, and Minister of Guidance in 1966.
Dr. Mustafa Rajab
General Manager of the Iraqi General Reinsurance Company for the period from 1961-1980
As the Chairman of its Board of Directors, he was in charge of internal training for the company’s employees three days a week, thanks to his personal follow-up of practical training and training courses outside Iraq, which are considered the cornerstone for developing the competence of all the company’s employees.
The relationship between him and all the employees was based on great respect. He was truly a role model that all employees followed. He chaired the appointment committee, where he focused on the English language, appearance and grooming, and grades at the university. During his reign, Iraqi Reinsurance was the first Arab reinsurance company to establish a liaison office in The London market in 1966, and it was the second company after the Swiss repatriation to open such an office in the London market. It has several books in the field of insurance.
Qais Mahmoud Al-Mudarres
General Manager of the company for a period from 1980-1998
He began working in the company in July 1968 with the degree of supervisor in the marine insurance department. He relied on training from Dr. Mustafa Rajab’s lectures and being sent to Switzerland and the United Kingdom for a period of 45 days, which contributed to improving his academic knowledge and technical skill, as he was specialized in foreign ship and aviation business. He was transferred to work to the liaison office. For a company in London in 1977, with the rank of director in 1980
He was transferred to Baghdad and was transferred to the rank of Assistant General Manager. He was nominated for the position of General Manager of the company in the same year and assumed the duties of President.
Board of Directors.
1998 He moved to the position of Executive General Manager of the Arab Fund for War Risk Insurance at Sea. While assuming the management of the company, the Iraqi Repatriation Company became the first government company in the insurance sector to introduce an automated computer system in 1981 using an IBM device and created a special website for the computer.
The company did not use any ready-made programs for the automated system, nor did it seek external expertise to prepare the program and the system. One of the specialists from the Swiss department made repeated visits to Baghdad to evaluate the work and was impressed by the employees’ capabilities to understand and develop the various systems.
Baqir Al-Munshi
Place and date of birth: Baghdad - 1948
Phone number 18594752169
Educational attainment
1970 Bachelor of Public Administration - College of Administration and Economics - University of Baghdad
1975 Master of Business Administration, specializing in general insurance - College of Insurance - New York - United States of America
Scientific expertise
Home Insurance Company - New York
Trainee for a few months
Underwriter of all individual insurance
1975 – 1991
National Insurance Company - Baghdad
Trainee in several departments
1976-1978 Underwriter in the Engineering Insurance Department
1978-1979 Assistant Director of the Reinsurance Department
1979-1981 Director of the Reinsurance Department
1981-1991 Director of the Ship, Aviation and Reinsurance Branch
Saba Yemeni Insurance Company - Sana'a - Yemen
Deputy General Manager - Responsible for all technical departments (issuance and compensation) and reinsurance work.
National Insurance Company - Sana'a - Yemen
General Manager of the company - responsible for all technical, administrative and reinsurance departments
Jordanian Insurance Company - Amman
Consultant - to establish and manage branches of the company in the United Arab Emirates.
2002-2020 (except for limited periods due to the war)
Yemen General Insurance Company - Sana'a - Yemen
General Manager of the company - responsible for all technical, administrative and reinsurance departments
Other experiences
Participated in several training courses with international reinsurance companies such as Munich Reinsurance Company - Munich, Swiss Reinsurance Company - Zurich, SCOR Reinsurance Company - Paris, Kerlink Reinsurance Company - Cologne, Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company - London and the Authority Lloyd's - London
Lecturer in a large number of training courses in Baghdad, Amman, and Sana’a
Lecturer of insurance and risk management at the College of Administration and Economics and the Institute of Management - University of Baghdad.
Author of the book Insurance Memories and Thoughts